England Lane Academy

Providing all students with the best possible education to enable them to reach their full potential.

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Last updated: 15th Dec 2023

The Link: Issue 25

Get ready to immerse yourself in the new and interactive edition of The Link! This edition features a dynamic...

Our Academy

Our aim is to give you information and a window into life at our lovely academy. We are always keen to welcome visitors to our school so please contact us if you would like to arrange a visit or require more information. A free paper copy of any of the information on our website can be provided on request. Our vision for England Lane School is for a school where everyone works together within a positive, calm and caring environment which demonstrates high standards of behaviour and pride, mutual respect and the best possible academic outcomes for all pupils. We believe our children should leave us with well developed personal and social skills, independence, high self motivation, healthy lifestyles, and secure basic skills in literacy and numeracy, embedded within a full curriculum. At all stages, we will promote these core aspects with all members of our school community

Mrs L Cooke Head of Academy