Parental Engagement
Where ever and whenever we can, we welcome parents and carers into school. Building effective partnerships with our parents and carers is vital in achieving the very best possible outcomes for our pupils, and we do this in a number of ways.

Stay and read, stay and count, stay and craft
Every half term in our Early Years, we invite parents into our setting to join in with their child’s learning. Each half term we have a different focus. We’ve had stay and count, stay and read (twice) and at Easter we’ll have a stay and craft!
Before joining in, parents get the chance to see our teachers and practitioners teach pupils. This has been very helpful, especially in stay and read, because they all got to see a phonics session!

Parent learning partnerships – informal parents’ evening
Pupils have the opportunity to show their parents and carers their learning at our informal parents’ evening. Parents come after school into the classroom and sit in their child’s place whilst they show their work to them. They explain how they learn how to read and to write and how they learn their maths! They are definitely the experts! Teachers make sure they speak to the parents, and point out successes and next steps, and how they can help at home. Of course parents can have a private meeting should they wish.

Come and Craft
Every Easter we invite family to Come and Craft! We provide the crafting materials and our pupils’ families come into school to do a joint crafting activity. This year we made Easter baskets! We had 85 family members come along. It was such a fun and relaxed way for us to work and spend some quality time together!

Easter scenes competition – a craft at home project
Each year we organise an Easter scene competition. We encourage our families to craft at home together an Easter scene, with the imaginative use of eggs being required! This year we has our best ever turnout! Pupils brought their incredible creations into school and we made a school exhibition! Families were encouraged to look around the exhibition with their children before the school day began. Each class, including our Nursery and Reception class, had a table and Mrs Scothern and her team from Delta’s marketing had the unenviable job of judging the best and runner-up from each class. The Academy Council provided the prizes (Easter eggs of course!)