
Welcome to England Lane Academy!

We hope that you can find everything you need here on our website to give you a sneak peek into life within our academy and the experiences your child will have whilst with us. If there is anything you cannot find, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly admin team using the details on the ‘Contact Us’ section of our site and they will be more than happy to help.

England Lane Academy is a high performing school with a highly inclusive ethos. We believe that, through the pursuit of excellence, every child can achieve great things. Our curriculum is designed to promote learning which is active, engaging and personalised. We view the teaching and learning process as a partnership between the school, pupils and their parents

As a school we place great importance on the development of each and every child both academically and socially and emotionally. We aim to provide a wide range of learning experiences both within the classroom and beyond which will promote a life long love of learning and enable our children to become independent, forward thinking and socially responsible citizens of the future

As a forward thinking organisation, we willingly embrace change and constantly strive to develop innovative practice. This is supported by our strong commitment to collaborative working with other academies in the partnership and beyond.