Our pupils are proud to come to England Lane. We have a strong, robust and fair behaviour policy that rewards the right choices pupils make. 'Good to be Green' language is used consistently by all members of staff, at all times of the day. We know that for the overwhelming majority of pupils behaviour is a choice, and where ever possible we use positivity and encouragement to support pupils in making 'green' choices. Please look at the Pupil Rewards link for information on how positive reinforcement is front and centre of academy life, as it should be. Where pupils make the wrong choices, we use the C system. Again, this is a system pupils know all about. It is consistently applied by everyone, at all times of the day. Please see the Appendix below for more information. As a result of all of this, the behaviour policy mainly sits in the background because pupils are nurtured to become independent, self-regulating members of the school community. The academy is a calm, purposeful place to learn.